I hardly recognize myself, with sunken eyes, puffy skin, and a blank stare that constantly reminds me of our people living in marginalized communities on the Cape Flats and Township areas who have suffered massive personal devastation. Mourning for me as a custodian for positive change in my line of work is not an option. As long as there is a chance of saving any of them, I will fight. Many of my people choose to enter a bleak, dark future, an eternity of hopeless pain, an end to all they ever were and could have been because of holding onto resentment and pain due to personal trauma of the past. The fear of hope for a better future for our high-risk communities on the Cape flats and township areas can keep one prisoner in mind. The only way to survive in our communities is to lift our agony from the clutches of our past and replace it with the hope that we will overcome it.
“Love all and do harm to none, never allow your fear to be the driver of your actions. Only you can change the outcome.” – Earl Mentor